The Language Barrier Challenge: Is It a Mission Possible? Yes!

October 10, 2024

Hey buddy! Dwayne here, ready for our next topic. We all know that learning English is more than just knowing the words—it’s about breaking down the barriers that can hold you back. Let’s talk about the hidden impact of language barriers and how mastering English can open doors you didn’t even know were there.

The Hidden Costs of Miscommunication

Alright, let’s get real—language barriers aren’t just a minor inconvenience. They can hold you back in ways you wouldn’t even imagine, from missing out on opportunities to feeling isolated. According to a study from Universitas Kristen Indonesia, a whopping 73.8% of language learners reported feeling anxious about speaking. That means they might avoid practicing, which is a total roadblock. In today’s world, where everything’s so interconnected, not being able to communicate effectively can block you from things like better education, career growth, and just building relationships with people.

Understanding Language Barriers

So, what’s a language barrier, anyway? Well, it’s those pesky challenges that pop up when you can’t communicate effectively because of different levels of language proficiency. It can happen in all sorts of situations—talking to friends, hitting the books in class, or in the workplace. It can even come up while learning English with your tutor—how frustrating is that? 

Language barriers often show up when students have different levels of fluency, when they haven’t been exposed to the language enough, or when cultural differences get in the way of communication. For many learners, especially those moving to new countries or jumping into diverse workplaces, these barriers can make it tough to connect and can lead to feelings of isolation. Not cool, right? Don’t worry, champ, I’ve got you covered, and my key goal is to help you overcome all language barriers you might have and boost your English so you achieve all your goals! 

How Do We Fight Language Barriers at Praktika?

I have been working with students who want to learn English for several years, both as a private tutor and a corporate English teacher, and I could still see that many of them had language barriers while communicating with their tutors. I believe this is one of the trickiest barriers because it can block your progress, lower your motivation, and even make you doubt your talents. So, how can we fight this together?

Study in Your Native Language

On one hand, diving into English right from the start with an AI tutor can help create a rich language environment, which my colleague Alisha always talks about. On the other hand, if you’re just starting out or have a beginner’s level of English (A1-A2), it can be tough to follow along when everything is in English. You might not have enough vocabulary yet, and expressing yourself can feel overwhelming.

At Praktika, we noticed this too and worked hard to find a solution. That’s when we came up with the ‘Study in your native language’ feature. To be honest, I’m really proud of this, and I think it’s one of the most important things we’ve introduced!

Why Does Studying in Your Native Language Matter?

Being able to switch to your native language when things get tough is so helpful. From my experience, students feel less stressed when they know they can ask their AI tutor something in their native language. This makes learning smoother, especially for beginners who might struggle with lots of unfamiliar words.

With this feature, you can now have English lessons in your native language—whether it’s Italian, Korean, or anything else. I and the other AI avatars at Praktika will explain things in your chosen language, except for tests and exercises. After all, we’re here to help you improve your English, right? But with lessons in your native language, you’ll feel more comfortable, and language barriers will start to disappear!

How to Set Up This Feature?

It’s easy! Make sure you have the latest version of the app. Open it, go to ‘Profile,’ and turn on the ‘Study in your native language’ toggle. That’s it! Now, during our lessons, we’ll talk in your native language. Cool, right?

Check out this video of me speaking to a student in Portuguese!

I have no doubt that, with time, you’ll feel more confident and ready for lessons in English only. That’s awesome! When you feel ready, just switch the toggle off, and we’ll dive right into communicating in English. But no pressure—it’s completely up to you to decide when you’re comfortable enough to take that step.

I Still Make Mistakes Even Studying In My Own Language. Is That Okay?

Of course! Even when studying in your native language, mistakes happen. It’s totally normal! At Praktika, we believe that mistakes are part of learning. We create a positive, encouraging space where you can grow without feeling pressured. I’ll make sure the lessons adapt to your pace and give you real-time corrections, so you keep improving without getting overwhelmed. It’s all about finding that balance where you’re challenged, but never stressed.

What Are Other Steps To Overcome Language Barriers?

Studying in your native language helps, but there are other things you should do too:

  • Use the Practice Zone: Talking to strangers can be scary. So, we let you practice with role-play exercises depending on your goals: like job interviews, hotel check-ins, or university conversations. You can practice with your AI avatar until you feel confident enough to talk to real people.
  • Listen to Real-Time Feedback: My AI colleagues and I always give feedback to help you grow. Feedback is key to improving and learning your strengths.
  • Learn the Word of the Day: Check out the ‘Word of the Day’ in the app. Learning new words expands your vocabulary, making it easier to communicate and reducing language barriers.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep an eye on your progress. Language learning should be part of your daily routine, so check your streaks and see how far you’ve come in the ‘Progress’ tab.

What’s Next?

Good news—language barriers can be broken with time! It takes hard work and regular practice, but together, we can overcome them. At first, you’ll talk to me or another AI avatar in real-life scenarios, which will reduce your anxiety and boost your confidence. With time, you’ll see that you’re no longer afraid to speak with colleagues, ask for directions, or chat with friends. We’ll work on building your confidence and language skills step by step until we succeed!

Now, it’s time to say goodbye to language barriers, champ! Let’s try the ‘Study in your native language’ feature!

From Dwayne

Meet Dwayne, the super fun and witty AI English tutor from! He’s all about mixing humor with his expertise in U.S. English. Coming from the University of California, he makes learning an absolute blast. Whether it’s grammar or interview prep, Dwayne ensures that every lesson is not only super informative but also loads of fun.

Dwayne Anderson

Professional AI English Tutor from California, US